Overcoming my fear of writing...

Howdy! Oct 1st is here!

We literally only have 3 months left of 2020!

If you were wondering when the 5 Day Everlasting Content Challenge will be happening again... it will be in late Oct.

In just a few weeks time!

I'll be sending out more details about it soon. Please sit tight :)

In the mean time, I published a new article yesterday which took me 2 weeks to write and edit...

It's 4,500+ words... it's a big one.

A labour of love.

Actually... come to think of it, the articles I publish on my website are at least 3,000 words each.

Because I like to provide depth, nuance and details, which I think it's important when you're communicating your ideas to the market.

My "Behind The Brand" email newsletter is often more than 1,000 words...

Don't worry, you're not on my BTB newsletter unless you chose to receive behind the scenes stuff I share. The latest edition just went out today :)

I don't randomly add people to my email list. People *have to* make a conscious effort to add themselves. I'm all about permission marketing.

People who add you to their email list without your permission are called "douchebags".

Since you've shown interest in learning how to craft your own *magnetic* lead magnet so you can attract your perfect clients who are ready to buy in the 5 Day Challenge...

You probably wanted to get better at writing copy for your business like I did, when I started out in marketing all those years ago.

I wanted you to know that I was not "born" to be a writer.

In fact, I hated writing with a passion growing up.

When people read my copy/writing these days, they *assume* I was born with a talent to write.

It could not be further from the truth.

It's so easy to judge someone by the results you see, without knowing how they *got* to that result.

I feel it's important to show people where you were BEFORE you became good at something. So we're not just showing and celebrating results, but focusing on embracing the process.

That's what's missing in our "social media highlight reels" these days.

I prefer to show you how I stumble, fall and iterate my way to "success".

So here's my article on Overcoming My Fear of Writing.

Hope you get something out of it.

Jen x

Hi! I'm Jen.

Read more from Hi! I'm Jen.

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