2020 Review — The year of alignment

Happy Wednesday.

March is my "month of contemplation" as another year is added to my time on earth.

It's the time of the year where I retreat and dedicate time to my Annual Review — reflecting on the year that has passed, diving into memories and taking a closer look at everything that shaped the year for me.

I didn't take Annual Planning & Review seriously until 2018 when I decided to integrate it into my life...

It's one of those things I heard about for years in the personal development space but never done until 3 years ago.

Knowing and Doing are completely different things.

You can only deepen your level of understanding until you experience it. And you can't fully appreciate the benefits until you actually do it.

Since bringing my new website to life a year ago, I decided to publish my Annual Reviews and share my learnings.

Here's my 2020 Annual Review.

The concept of doing an Annual Review is actually quite simple. You look into the different areas of your life and answer these 3 important questions:

  1. What went well?
  2. What didn't go so well?
  3. What will you focus on next year?

You can even choose a "theme" for the coming year as your guiding star to help you focus, prioritise and make better decisions.

If you've never done an annual review, I highly recommend it.

It's never too late to start :)

You will gain deeper insights into how your year actually went, discover what mattered the most to you, what you've learned and what you want to work on in the coming year.

Oh, and don't feel like you need to do it at the end of December or beginning of January.

I encourage you to do you — do what's meaningful to you.


P.S. I've been taking it easy, recuperating and resting my body over the past 2 weeks or so. Doing my Annual Review has made me realise I pushed myself too hard last year.

And there I was wondering why I started feeling drained and exhausted in March... it's because I was experiencing a burn out.

No more fuel in the tank.

My body came to the rescue and slammed on the breaks. I finally got the message since my mind isn't intelligent enough to warn me — it has its own agenda.

P.P.S. The job opportunity ended up being incorrect for me. Even though things didn't pan out the way we thought we wanted to, I actually had a really great conversation with Ben who came to the same conclusion as I did.

The door isn't completely closed. There may be other opportunities to work with him in the near future.

It was a great learning experience for me to learn to correctly navigate my 'decision making strategy' — read my 2020 Review to understand what it means.

This "disruption" in the last month has opened up space for me to rethink my business model, the work I feel called to do, and what feels right for me to offer to others...

Lots for me to contemplate and revise in the coming week or two.

Hi! I'm Jen.

Read more from Hi! I'm Jen.

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