2020 is Almost Over edition

So... just one more week until 2020 is behind us.

First up, apologies for the radio silence. I've been MIA for close to 3 months... yikes.

4 weeks ago, 2 people on my email list noticed my "silence" and reached out to see what is up.

I have to say... it's nice to be missed. It's nice to know people like receiving my emails.

Which reminded me why I'm working so hard to create the change I want to see in the world...

Work that is valued by others and work that is meaningful.

Here's the question: When you’re gone, will they miss what you do?

There's a difference between Noticed vs Missed.

I hope in 60 years, when I'm gone... people will miss what I do.

Just last week... I found out the passing of a marketing mentor I was learning from. He died of a heart attack, aged just 55.

I loved the way he thinks about marketing and what he taught me. When I read his work, I instantly felt grateful that I found someone like him to learn from.

He was gracious and generous to respond to my (long) email when I had questions about his teachings in Nov... then just like that, the lights went out.

It reminded me of the fragility of life, and why I was driven to find meaning in my own work and to create something that matters. Because we only live once, and I don't want to squander it.

It's been a busy quarter in my batcave, pivoting and refining the audience I want to serve, the messaging and offer.

The 3 most important components of marketing.

They (especially writing, rewriting) sucked up a lot of my bandwidth in Oct/Nov.

Apart from having to attend classes every week in Nov to do "prework" for a government new business program I got accepted into.

I also decided to change the wordpress theme on my website 3 weeks ago, because the previous one slowed down my site, made me dread publishing and their updates affected the design of my site.

Now, I finally feel like I have a foundation to run on.

Even though I'm only 70% happy with my new site, I'm practicing being ok with it being imperfect and running with it.

My website is now business related, so people will have a better idea of what I can do for them :)

I'm going full throttle into the holiday season. There is still a lot more work for me to do.

As 2020 comes to a close, I want to wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season, a festive Christmas, and a happy new year.

I appreciate and value your attention in 2020.

Keep safe.

See you in 2021.

Jen x

Hi! I'm Jen.

Read more from Hi! I'm Jen.

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