[BTB] Launch Craziness Happening!

A lot has happened in 2 weeks. This week is already on a different level as I went into "launch mode".

I officially started marketing and promoting my 5 Day Challenge starting next Thursday, September 3rd.

There is nothing like deciding on a date and using that as a "forcing function" to launch your baby out in the world...

I am literally flying by the seat of my pants. And executing things as inspiration comes or as needed...

I only started marketing this Tuesday cus last week was a bit bonkers.

I had to first recover from the 3 day Live Event that finished on Monday morning, helped my parents move house on Tuesday, switched my brain back to business on Wednesday and was on 11 calls in 4 days from Wednesday to Saturday...

7 out of 11 calls were close to 2 hours... that drained me lol. But I was on a mission, I wanted to make new friends and build relationships.

I ended up going to bed like a grandma at 9:30pm on Saturday night. I never go to bed that early.

The calls were very productive cus I was able to build relationships with 5 potential strategic partners... people who offer web design services, funnels, graphic design... The things I'm not interested in doing for other people but I want to build a network of people I can trust to deliver the work well.

I hit if off with Marilyn who offers graphic design services right off the bat, cus she checked out my website and sent me a nice message just over 2 weeks ago when we were first introduced to each other by a mutual connection.

She agreed to help me spread the word about my 5 Day Challenge on the first call we had together last Friday... it was the first time we've ever met, and this is not the kind of thing you do or promise someone you've just met, especially in business!

Relationships takes TIME to build!

When someone says they're going to do something, I don't usually believe them until I see it for myself.

Because most people don't do what they say they're going to do. Most people don't follow through. I have learned to not expect anything from anyone over the years.

I'd rather feel surprised, then feel disappointed.

We were going into the weekend as our call ended on Friday night. Marilyn is a busy mum of 2 kiddos and also runs a business, so she's BUSY.

I wasn't expecting her to do anything for me eventhough I asked for help and she agreed.

But Marilyn is different. She is a women of her word.

I really had to pinch myself when I saw an email from her this Monday... restating her promise of wanting to let her network know about my challenge, telling me her posting strategy AND sending me what she drafted as a post for my review...

She even gave me tips on how to post on LinkedIn. I was like "Whaaaaaat"?!

This amazing woman over-delivered on her promise. I love her heart and her willingness to help me spread the word.

Having her onboard as a promotional partner and helping me reach her network has been a huge factor in the interest I am getting on my 5 Day Challenge so far.

Turns out she is a bit of a badass on LinkedIn... I had no clue!

To give you an idea, this is the first post she posted about my challenge on Tuesday this week:

Amazing interest and engagement! 😱

I wasn't expecting this, cus my own LinkedIn posts are like crickets... lol

I am obviously not a social media person.

The "Marilyn experience" reminded me of my experience when I first met Steve, the owner of a Wordpress publishing plugin I use on my website called Publish Press when we first met back in June.

I told the story of how we met on my blog post: Why Write Online

Same thing happened where the very first time we met on zoom, he offered to help me spread the word, by offering me the opportunity to write a guest post on his website.

That's also what I've been busy working on in the past week and it has now become a reality. You can read my guest post here if you're intersted:

3 Expensive Content Mistakes Entrepreneurs Must Avoid

Then another 'new friend in marketing' I connected with on Facebook in the last couple of weeks also jumped on the bandwagon and offered her help on Wednesday...

So I've been busy writing content for her to share on her social profiles and also email copy for her email list.

That's all the crazy goodness happening in the last 3 days.

I spent most of Monday this week rewriting 90% of my opt-in page. I didn't feel the copy was strong enough, so I wanted to fix it and make it better.

It has been nagging me since I showed you my opt-in page 2 weeks ago.

What I have now is Version 3, and I'm finally happy with it after reworking it twice. I also made some design tweaks and added a fancy schmancy timer.

It's great to see that my message/copy is working.

You just don't know how well your marketing is going to perform until you put it out there and test.

Seeing people interested, engaged, opting in and saying "I can't wait till next week" and "Looking forward to it!" is kinda amazing.

I knew I needed to do a lot of 'old school hustle' going into this promotion because I don't have an audience yet.

I don't have a big email list... There is only 19 of you here. And I haven't done any marketing to build my audience since I only launched my website back in May.

So I knew I needed to hustle. Personally reaching out to friends, asking for help, and also telling people about my promotion who I think might be interested in my own network.

I'm feeling very grateful for all my friends and promo partners who are helping me spread the word all the way until the challenge starts on Thursday.

Running a promotion is hard work. It's not a case of "if you build it they will come".

I feel like I'm building the plane as I'm trying to fly it... lol

Still facing a mountain of work... writing, writing and more writing... AND I still need to work out the tech side of things.

I already feel a headache coming on this morning... but I'd rather get it today and tomorrow, instead of next week when I need to show up and deliver an awesome experience for people.

So I'm grateful for that too! haha

Jen x


If you're willing... I would of course super appreciate you helping me spread the word by telling people you know, and sharing my 5 Day Challege page or my guest post on your social profiles or newsletter (if you have one) if you feel like it can help people.

Thanks a bunch in advance! ❤️

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